Tuesday, July 25, 2006

heya everybody...
I completely forgot about my personal leaving countdown... and was just surprised/shocked myself - it is only (oh noooo :'( ) 5 days until I leave Breda and exactly 3 weeks until I go to Beijing... what is nice though, but also a little sad is that i only work 4 more days at this best stores of all... ;)
other than that there is not much to telll... (I know - what a boring life here!) working all day long each day,
just tonight I went to Yusnita's (a collegue and good friend!) of mine to have dinner (again... THANKS so much!!) and it was as always reaaaly wonderful! I'll miss it over there (even though I guess I might still be able to eat rice in Asia, won't I?)
so... thats it again 4 2nite... groetjes...

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