so.. after 3 months of bloglazyness a new entry!
What has happened during this time? well a lot but I am not gonna write all that now... just shortly,
I was quite busy studying - I am somewhat more focussed on that here than I was in HK!! Well, now the semester is coming to an end - I am in the middle of exam week now and I am too lazy to study so I rather write this!
I have had a bunch of interviews and a bunch of internships for which I was accepted... so I cancelled some quite nice offers and decided in the end to go to (reaaaly far ;) ) MUNICH!! Yoohooo... I will live in my favourite German city for 6 months. (oktoberfest, beergardens, hiking, skying, .... :D ) - I will actually be going there in 2 weeks already.
As I am moving again we are currently also looking for a new housemate who wants to rent my room in Breda for these 6 months.
While being lazy last week I found somethign nice online... for all of you who love china as much as I do.... or who are interessted in languages and find enjoy funny misconceptions... check out this site: Even though it is a German site the chinglish signes themselves are of course chINGLISH - and as such relate to English... and should be understandable for you... I loved this site, kept me from doing anything or more importance (which would be basically everything I suppose) for at least an hour... some great examples and even one of those that I fotographed myself was published there before... here it is again, as a little sample of what you can expect.

So... what else? I've been working quite extensively at the IKEA those last months and well, now I have to stop again... next week = last week already... but I hope to return next spring when I'm back here again... I cant deny it, I'm addicted.
Other than that I've had a great semester. My roomies Anke and Antoinette are in the US on a fieldtrip now, I miss them already especially cuz I wont live together with wode jia zai Breda (my family from Breda) for the next half year and then Antoinette goes on exchange (which means a trip to Finland for me ;) ) and Karo will write her thesis already... it shows in a weird way how quickly this great time of studying here will be over. Still feels as though I just started, but actually half of it is over... :(
ohh.. and last weekend I was at Festival Mundial again. This time the weather wasnt as fortunate as last year, but THE CAT EMPIRE made just the perfect compensation for the rain... damn is that Felix Reidl (leadsinger) cute... hot... yummy.... (*schmacht*) here some more pix...

rain :(

Martina and Pieternel!
The Cat Empire
soooo this it is for today... will keep this blog updated when I'm in Munich... promise to write more often also ;)
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