Saturday, September 22, 2007
1. its September 22nd already... and for those of you who dont know, this is the day I've been looking forward for for quite some time.... as it means: updates on whats going on at 'home' (that meaning the place I was born and bread), latest gossip, shopping and endless talking as my dear friend Britta is coming to Bavaria... 8 hrs and 35 minutes til her plane lands (of course on the most biuuuuutiful airport around!) (and... I should get some sleep... hmmpfff)
2. YESSSS... its SATURDAYYY .... which means Today the OKTOBERFEST begins...
10hrs and 45 minutes and then its *ozapft*
3. Monday, 24.09.2007: Sightseeing in munich (its about time to do that after I'm here for 3 months almost and by now know more pubs and bars than historical sights or facts :S)
4. Tuesday: SHOPPPINGGGG... I desperately need a new shirt for sth. coming up on...
5. Thursday... but about that, I simply won't tell here :P
so thats it for now, I'm off til sometime soon...
over and out!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
.... the bourne ultimatum
Dear Guests... please stop talking during the movie and switch off your mobiles...
its time for a movie review again.... monday (yesterday) a bunch of friends and me went to watch 'the Bourne Ultimatum', the english original version of course.
Before, I had quite high expectations and because of that quite some doubts on how good this third and last episode could be. Also, I didn't really remember all the details from the Bourne Identity and Supremacy, so would it be difficult to find the red thread again? No, actually (surprisingly?) not! Paul Greengrass managed to reveal the past with only few shots and concentrate the Ultimatum on just the essentials. Some things I found quite obvious from the begining on (what else would we expect of Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles) than switching sides and helping Jason Bourne in the end?). Others weren't, like the result of Bourne's hunt for his own identity in the end. All in all a reaaaaly good movie, worth seeing at least once, with just a single deficit: Who would not like to see Matt Damon again in a fourth sequel?
hmm... next movie is already planned: 'I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry', a comedy... with Adam Sandler, Kevin James (the King of Queens) and Jessica Beal...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
.... Streetlife Festival
Yesterday was just such a perfect day that I just have to post something about it. First of all I woke up at 9:30 AM... and I woke up just like this.. no screaming kids of my aunt around... nothing... silence... great: they had gone out already!
so after a long and relaxed breakfast I made my way to the PEP shopping center again, basically I didnt even wanna shop, just pick up my new contact lenses and leave again... well, 'baaad luck' the contacts weren't there yet... so as not to have gone there for nothing I looked into some shops... and well.. 4 hrs. later..... came out with a new pair of jeans, a skirt, 3 shirts, 2 bags! :D - thats what I call successsful shopping! and yes, shopping does make me happy!
of course I didn't go home without a grande-low-fat-extra shot-almond-latte from Starbucks, arrived at home to take on all the stuff again... take off the tags... fold everything nicely...hmmzzz..
then showered and dressed in the new stuff already, filled a new bag and made my way to a game night with the StudiVZ guys once more... was a really fun afternoon... and later on we went to the Streetlife festival at Munich's Siegestor/Leopoldstraße to see The BossHoss.... was such a cool night... and the best of all... they had a stand there selling:
yaaa... ok.. I admit, the picture is not hte best... but if you take a reaaaaly close look, and add a spoon of phantasy... you can make out the word 'kölsch' on the lighted thingy atop of the beer stand... aaaand (better) the word Gaffel (=Kölsch brand) on the class that I'm holding.
and no, I dont know that lady there, I wonder if she knows me? hmm... but well, Robin and Christian are standing there in the background....
oh and by the way: summer's back in town as well... so now Im on my way to tha park...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
... soooo much!!
I've been quite busy those last weeks. My work at the airport is still great. I get along with my colleagues so well and I like Munich and life here in a way that I could seriously consider coming back here for lets just say longer...
It's been a stressful time also. Making friends with some people in Munich, mostly met in StudiVZ (online students network in Germany) I've been out almost every evening of the week... plus plans on the weekens, got to know and love the public transport system in Munich and surroundings, got to know more pubs and bars than I know sights or any of the should-have-seens in Munich, saw a bunch of movies in a bunch of cinemas and got to HATE the public transport system...
so here some notes...
1) why are busses late when I'm on time? and why are they on time when I'm late? idiotas grrr
2) the weather in Munich got quite ugly lately, but if it follows tradition it'll get better for the Octoberfest
3) did I mention that the oktoberfest is coming up in 2 weeks ? ??
4) Britta is coming down here for a visit!! yipieeee... so I should find out about some of the real sights!
5) there is a shoe-shop in the PEP Shopping Centre that has a reaaaly nice bag that I reaaalyyy want!
6) Schwabings definately the best place in whole Munich!
2) I love Munich for its small cinemas showing movies apart from the mainstream stuff...
3) aren't those small old-fashioned cinemas cute?
4) why does 'Am Ende kommen Touristen' come to such an abrupt end? anyways for those who haven't seen it or heard of it, its a German movie about a guy who does his civil service in Oswiecim (better known as Auschwitz) in Poland, his life there, and the life of natives and visitors, providing probably just the glimpse of an idea of reality, but a pretty real glimpse I'd say.
5) 'Tuya's Hochzeit' - great movie about life in China's remote countryside of Inner Mongolia
6) China is in a way, like home, being there for a seemingly endless time, in the end I hated it, not being able to be there now, I hate it!
7) working at the airport makes me sick... is there a word that expresses this feeling as strong as Fernweh? I wanna go.... where? everyplace and no place? when? whenver? forever? never? I just wanna go! and I want to stay at the same time.
ahhh... I cant even remember everythign I've done in the last 4 weeks!
I've also been to Daniela's place in kind of Bavarian remoteness twice... its soooo beautiful there... and I've gone to a 'Volksfest' in Rosenheim, which is kinda like the Oktoberfest, just somewhat smaller! (sort of practice for the real one!)
one last point to mention for all girls reading this: those Bavarian guys are really cute... or is it the air here that makes me think so?
well... thats it for now... take care everybody
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
...catching up on July!
During the weeks I've been working quite a lot, already cumulated quite some extra-hours that I can take days off for sometime... So far (and I guess it'll stay like that) my internship has been just great. Of course, first days are as they usually go. On my fist day, my placement coordinator, Kristian, showed my around the public (land-side) area of the aiport, both public terminals, the general aviation terminal (GAT) , and the Cargo buildings, the hangars, the visitors and administration area... we did quite a lot of driving and then walked around the grounds for about 4 hours in the afternoon! I seriously thought I'd never find a single place back again, and if I did I would certainly never get back out of this jungle! I really thought it couldnt get any more, but there was the next day - when I got my security pass... so we could go airside, to the non-public-area, I went into the hangars then... and we walked for the whole day over the apron (= Vorfeld in German)... got to have a drink in the Emirates First Class Lounge which is seriously just like a 5 star hotel, just missing the bedrooms! hmm... of course I was introduced to never ending amounts of people... only few of whom I remembered. I was shown 'my' office also! I sit in an office only with Tania, who is responsible for the promotion areas througout the airport. I've got a huge desk, with computer and phone of course but we also share a fax, printer and scanner just with the two of us! by now I got to know her better of course and we really get a long well!
My supervisor at the FMG (airport authority) is really nice, but quite a weird little dwarf also... talks without an end.. never actually heard him talk about anything else than airlines, airports, aviation-personnel... etc.... just last week he tried to give me some advice for my leisure time in munich, telling me to go to the 'flyaway' - a party every tuesday which supposedly is visited by 90% of airline/airport personnel only! pfff... FREEAAAAK I think, but I get along with him!! (actually if I hadnt known better I would say he just jumped out of the latest harry potter... a bit of a mix of a houseelf and Mr. Weasly (just leave away the red hair, and replace it with no hair at all) hahaha... pheeeeewwww... now I gotta make sure not to let him know about my blog :P
anyways, enough of work! I've also met quite a few people here in munich, all through the StudiVZ, a german student network. Have gone to the movies three times.. seen Harry Potter 5(of course), then 'Transformers' in the Sneak, of which I was very positively surprised, and finally 'THA SIMPSOOONSSSS' ... that was simply hilarious! 'I'm here to leaaaad - not to reaaad' hahaha..pffff... if you havent seen it yet: GO, and remember to watch the trailer also ;)
last weekend then I went to the olympiapark on Sat where I met up with some people for some beers in the beergarden (you gotta love 'em!) and sunday met up with a bunch of guys in the 'Englischer Garten' (largest park in Europe actually!) for some more beers... :D ... then yesterday met up with a friend again... and today I'm taking a Beer-break :P, to start through tomorrow on the weekly cracker-barrel (Stammtisch) with the StudiVZ people!
soo... thats it for now... today I finally finished (so sad) the last (is it really?) Harry Potter book. Its been the best so far I think... loved and hated it... totally nerv racking, fascinating... an absolute page-turner! So now I'll go and start my next book 'Millionär' from Tommy Jaud!
good night...
Sunday, July 08, 2007
learning Bavarian
anybody who has not realized yet how valuable it is to understand and speak a language: think about it, and all those of you who are German but not Bavaria: DONT COME HERE UNLESS YOU HAVE A DICTIONARY! Unbelievably I really thought I would at least understand this weird way of communication, if not even speak some bits and pieces of it... but reality proves me wrong.
Thursday - 15:15 MET - Munich Airport: I should just have touched down with Germanwings flight 4U 72 from Cologne. However, the flight was delayed for 1,5 hrs. Damn it? no way... happily I was able to spend another extra 1,5 hrs at CGN Airport - after having been there 2 hrs in advance for check in.... how nice.... and then, even better... the delay is caused by a missing document for (yuhuuuu) a COMPLETELY NEW AIRCRAFT! It was actually going to be the first passenger flight this Airbus 319A should fly! So great! How lucky can I be??? ... entering this plane with care not to break/mess-up/miss-to-see any detail of this miracle of technology I floated through the rows looking for the perfect seat to inaugurate: 14 F - a beautiful number, describing a even more marvellous seat. Just at the right front side of the wing with a perfect view of the freshly painted, perfectly shiny wing.... with newly shinging letters saying 'Dont walk beyond this point' and onto the Airport building... ahhh..... I'm still in a haze...
ok.. well, it stopped eventually.... maybe at the point that the friendly (at least I guess so) employee of the Deutsche Bahn at Munich Airport tried to help me to buy a month-pass for the subway network of munich. well, to say the least, he didn't speak any of my languages and I didnt speak his...
I arrived at my families home not long after... having enjoyed another hour of searching for the right place to obtain my ticket and then back to the subwaystation on Munich Airport...
ok ok ok ... I get the point, you might get bored... so I'll carry on a little faster (cant get any more interessting than the beauty of check-ins... customs... A320s and Boeing 737s.. the sound of a starting turbine or the smell of kerosine in the air anyways).... Well... Friday I spent the day with my folks here... did some shopping and at night I met with some StudiVZ-Network people for the Summerfestival of Munich University. It was a great night and I am starting to famliarize my family with the fact that people my age might go out some nights... and that nooo...11pm is actually not considered LATE!
so... here some facts I've learned so far:
- Munich is soooo beautiful
- in Munich the weather is nicer than in Holland :P :P :P
- Bavarians are quite discriminating in their lanugage: check this:
- a 'Neger' (negro) = beer with coke
- a 'Russe' (russian) = wheatbeer with lemonade
- a 'Schwuchtel' (gay) = beer with apple juice
so... tomorrow I will start my internship! I have to say I am quite excited and a bit scared - well, first days I guess are like that... I hate them. having to remember thousands of places, names, things, rules... not knowing anything yet, not being able to contribute anything to the work yet (despite making copies or cooking coffee)... always being in the way and hindering the actual continuation of work... but well... that will go over... I'll tell you about it soon!
and now, I'll go to bed,
Grüaß eich (greetings to you)!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
once more I am moving again. Today is the last complete day I spend in Breda this year, tomorrow I will be going to Germany, staying at my parents house for a few nights and leaving for munich on Thursday. So, anyone who intends to send me sth. by antique-paper-based-mail... ask me for my new address first... as I dont wanna publish it here.
Its weird to be leaving again... today I am packing (which I should be doing right now actually)... and I feel somewhat out of place. Yesterday has been my last working day at the ikea... and like last days usually are, I didn't even notice any of the small things that used to annoy me (like customers standing in front of a product with a humongous price sign on it asking for the price etc.) and it was just a perfect working day and I will seriously miss it! I guess next year I'll return, but I'll try to get another job in sales instead of logistics.
so that for now, I really cant think of anything funny, amusing, entertaining or in anyway more interessting to write for you... and I should seriously get going with packing up otherwise I will still be stuck here at Christmas.
happy new year,
Thursday, June 28, 2007
last days everywhere
how comes? well... everybody's leaving! not here (well also but that somehow wasnt clear enough for me to notice!) Friends who were still in HK or China this semester are packing up and actually leave these days to return to whereever they are from... new people came to check out my room and its subrented once more... which means that I'VE GOTTA BE OUT OF THERE... so soon!! end of the week I'll go!!
well, maybe thats the point that actually made it that clear! who knows!
well anyways I just wanted to let that know!
oh... and I have to quote what anke just said (you should know for that that there is a family living in the flat above us with an active kid of about 3 years old we guess!)... Anke: "dat kind ga ik echt nog een keer afslachten!!" (in very nice words: someday I'm gonna kill that kid!) and later: "all die kinderen gehoren afgeslagen gewoon!" (All those children should be slaughtered!).... now, that just to show how nice and children friendly my roommate is! (the kid can be annoying though... especially at those times (read: always) when it decides to enjoy a jog (read: stomping run) around the flat (read: especially above our living room). grrr
oh and since I worked all day I have an another weirdes customers anecdote to share: I was actually asked today whether we also have any articles which do not attract dust, as the whole flat of that special customer gets dusty all the time... now isn't that weird? never heard of such thing as dust setting upon stuff in any other place... must be quite a new thing! maybe she should invent something totally new to prevent it also, such as CLEANING!! weeeiiirdooos
I gotta go now... so I'm leaving... adios
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
... as the world turns
So... what else? I've been working quite extensively at the IKEA those last months and well, now I have to stop again... next week = last week already... but I hope to return next spring when I'm back here again... I cant deny it, I'm addicted.
Other than that I've had a great semester. My roomies Anke and Antoinette are in the US on a fieldtrip now, I miss them already especially cuz I wont live together with wode jia zai Breda (my family from Breda) for the next half year and then Antoinette goes on exchange (which means a trip to Finland for me ;) ) and Karo will write her thesis already... it shows in a weird way how quickly this great time of studying here will be over. Still feels as though I just started, but actually half of it is over... :(
ohh.. and last weekend I was at Festival Mundial again. This time the weather wasnt as fortunate as last year, but THE CAT EMPIRE made just the perfect compensation for the rain... damn is that Felix Reidl (leadsinger) cute... hot... yummy.... (*schmacht*) here some more pix...
rain :(
Martina and Pieternel!
The Cat Empire
soooo this it is for today... will keep this blog updated when I'm in Munich... promise to write more often also ;)
Sunday, March 18, 2007
.... maybe it is just because I've had a quite busy week... with working double shifts almost every day and managing a full-time study besides...
... or maybe it is becuase Antoinette and I have given it yet another try to maintain a diet (this time consisting of no more than veggies, fruit and magere (no-fat) yoghurt) for the whole weekend... - mozarella of course doesn't count, as that would cause some serious Entzugserscheinungen (withdrawal sypmtoms such as halucinations, fever and shaking)....
... whatever it is, something just causes my lovely roommate to go through a very philosophical phase... and so I have to endure her asking extremely vital questions that might have answers to save the world. Yesterday the traumatized me with 'How many cucumbers do you think I or you or actually anyone else eats in his/her life?'.... and after trying to find the most truthfull answer to this (X = 1,472 per week x 52 weeks x sum of years lived)... today I had find the meaning in this life through 'I wonder what might happen to all those read and unread 'Metro' and 'Spits' newspapers you can get in train stations etc. at the end of the day... as there are always new ones every morning!?'... this horrifyingly reminded me of Paul Gaugin, and a question he already found no answer to at the end of the 19th century with 'Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?' ... well, with some colorful oil he put his thoughts on canvas....maybe that would be the solution to this somewhat weird weekend....
... it definately is a quite philosophical one!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
outtake of life on planet pluto (w.cobergherstraat) - March 8th

Thursday, February 08, 2007
time flies... me too!
I returned from HK on December 18th, being my moms personal birthday surprise! The first week home was weeeeiiird people! cold weather, people that look like me, and I am not the tallest and fattest around anymore (in comparison to the Chinese that is), people understand me - and I them! I can read everything that comes in sight. and it is clean. not that Hong Kong is not, but the air. my god its so fresh!
and oh yes of course: the Christmas Market in Aachen... with real Glühwein.. yummy... then Christmas with my family... just nice!!
I miss Hong Kong though.. it was a great time there... I couldnt really decide what I loved most... guess just tha big-city-life ;).... the nice weather, accessability to other places in Asia... party in HK... and all the weird stuff that I came across. Of course there are things that I wont miss... such as chese with pineapple and chocolate flavour... elevators that talk to me ('ba lou - eight floor') and all other kinds of speaking information ('please stand behind the yellow line - the train to lo wu is approaching...').
Over new years I visited my best friend on the northernmost point of germany on the isle of Rügen... nice place, slightly more quiet than Hong Kong... and it was cool to spend new years eve on the beach! After the new year, I went to Poland for a weekend, then to Bremen where I met up with Lisa. Another weird moment. What is she doing here? Does she belong here? NO! Go back to Hong Kong where you belong - Room 750... PolyU student halls of residence!
To keep myself busy, I went to Madrid to surprise Karo as well, together with Antoinette. That was a really cool weekend also... got a new jeans yeah!
Now I am back in Holland since one week. Weirdness continues. Coming back here, I took the wrong exit of the highway first, then after having to drive through the whole city, I found the way back to our flat... and of course went to the wrong floor!! oh my good! scary
I also started to work again back at the IKEA. On my first day last week I had a very warm welcome from my former and future colleagues and by now it is as though I had never left!
Today a new surprise then: the first snow of this winter!!! (it is February 8th, the fact that it was more than 10 degrees until last week will not make us think of global warming and that kinda stuff now...) Now, snow in Holland, what does that mean? oh yesss... how lovely: Ausnahmezustand! Chaos in Breda... traffic comes to an almost hault... 9 out of 10 traffic lights break down as soon as 2 snowflakes are spotted in the sky, small streets are being closed down... jajaja... have I missed that? hmmm
but well, I am glad to be back but I am also sad not to be in HK no more... and through this I wanna thank everybody who made this exchange in Hong Kong possible for me, like nhtv, my parents and the ikea for my job last year... and the people who made the time in Hong Kong so great, like all the other exchange students and the StudiVZ people!