I had to hand in my mid-term paper for the Tourism Business, Ethics and Law class... yuck, I am so glad that this is over! Also on the 7th I had my second Putonghua (Mandarin-Chinese) exam. We had to actually present ourselves in front of the whole class, telling stuff about our xuexi (study), our jia (family), about Xianggang (HongKong) , our hanyu ban (class) and that I am De guo ren (German)... it was not that easy but I was kinda ok prepared so I managed ok as well... still don't know the result so it's hard to tell. Anyways for some people this was really torture, I think she should have done this seperatly...
The weekend before the exam we went on a fieldtrip to Macau with the Airline Management class... yipppieee... to the airport ;) great great great... I love airports :D it was really really interessting.. we had a lecture by someone of the Infrastructure Development Department and then we got a tour through the airport... how great... but I know that most people dont share my passion for this stuff.. so i will shut up now ;) - another great aspect of the Macau fieldtrip was the HOTEL!! (no, I am still not a hotel freak) but oh that was so nice... after being in Hong Kong in the STudent Halls, which are quite nice but still, the mattress is made of plastic and rather short and slim... the hotel bed was just such a luxury! I could have slept for ages in there... but of course instead we went out to the Casino again that night... gambling a bit and - I am not lucky in Macau I guess - I lost again, but no worries, of course not much.
Back to Hong Kong I had to prepare some more papers... and a presentation about the government in Singapore. Just today I had another presentation about the new Airbus A380. And next week there are another 2 coming up... as you can see, uni keeps me busy and I am NOT just relaxing and having fun here!!
buuuut... of course I am trying to make my time enjoyable in this 'horrible' place... so since Guilin, we went out for Karaoke one night with the StudiVZ crew... which was a blast... even though our singing was like the worst ever, compared to Nicola - a local friend who has obviously practised that before ;)
Last Weekend was quite busy then as well... Thursday: a StudiVZ group bowling outing --> resulting in major sore muscles in my arm and hey did you know that you use muscles in your ass for bowling? (well, I swear I found out the hard way)
Friday I went out with Martin, my host from the host-family-scheme here, who studies Palmistry (Handlesen!) since 10 years here... yes, true - you can actually study this!! and after having a nice dinner in a really kinda chill-out-bar/restaurant (very typically Chinese, full of locals and yet they served a variety of German/European saussages *Frankfurter* *Krakauer* *Wiener* yummyyyy)... well after that dinner he told me all the secrets about my past and future, out of my hands and my face... very interessting :D ... and a really fun night!
On Saturday I thought it was time for Hiking again, so Fi and

anyways, besides my sore ass from bowling, the next day of course I had sore muscles in my legs as well, as this mountain was really quite some work.... but i forgot to say that, the view was spectacularly gorgeously uniquely unbelievably reaaaaallyreaaally reaaaally nice !!!
Next day, I coulnt resist the invitation from some of the guys here at the Hall to go kayaking with them... so (German planning arghhh) we met up at 9 AM (TIME TO SLEEEP FOR EVERY NORMAL PERSON ON A SUNDAY) , walked to Hung Hom station, took the

now, after such a weekend, it was hard to go back to Uni on Tuesday, and to make it worse, I am seriously a wrack.... sore muscles (still) in my ass, legs and now also arms from rowing, a cold and a clubfoot as I twisted ans sprained my ankle yesterday running down the stairs in the hall cuz I am too impatient to wait for the lift...
so that were my last two weeks.. and what is planned? hmmm
this weekend, either a trip to the HK Airport ;) because they host the A380 on Saturday - or a trip to Shenzhen for some shopping, a massage, getting my nails done and going to the tailor for a new suite... hmmm not sure yet. Next week is busy with school stuff again and then it is already the first advent... which I will most probably spend on tha PHILIPPINES ;) uhh yeahhh... i mean, one needs some holiday, right?
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