I truely, seriously believed that I know the basic grounds of this world... or at least what is going on in this western part of Europe... but evidence proves otherwise this weekend in Breda's We-cob.straat...hmmm...
.... maybe it is just because I've had a quite busy week... with working double shifts almost every day and managing a full-time study besides...
... or maybe it is becuase Antoinette and I have given it yet another try to maintain a diet (this time consisting of no more than veggies, fruit and magere (no-fat) yoghurt) for the whole weekend... - mozarella of course doesn't count, as that would cause some serious Entzugserscheinungen (withdrawal sypmtoms such as halucinations, fever and shaking)....
... whatever it is, something just causes my lovely roommate to go through a very philosophical phase... and so I have to endure her asking extremely vital questions that might have answers to save the world. Yesterday the traumatized me with 'How many cucumbers do you think I or you or actually anyone else eats in his/her life?'.... and after trying to find the most truthfull answer to this (X = 1,472 per week x 52 weeks x sum of years lived)... today I had find the meaning in this life through 'I wonder what might happen to all those read and unread 'Metro' and 'Spits' newspapers you can get in train stations etc. at the end of the day... as there are always new ones every morning!?'... this horrifyingly reminded me of Paul Gaugin, and a question he already found no answer to at the end of the 19th century with 'Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?' ... well, with some colorful oil he put his thoughts on canvas....maybe that would be the solution to this somewhat weird weekend....
... it definately is a quite philosophical one!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
outtake of life on planet pluto (w.cobergherstraat) - March 8th
duhhh... do you know this? you write a whole long text then you either push some stupid wrong button (coincidentally) and everything is gone? irretrieveable I mean...grrrr... or the internet hangs up and its gone.... or the computer hangs up and its gone.... no matter what, its GONE! grrrrr .... pffff.... arghhhh.... well, I chose for the first solution and pushed whatever key.... and my lovely text that I had just written, accumulating all my journalistic talent (which is as you know rather limited ;) ) grrr... and now I have to do it all over again, so here is the new version. hmmm....

I actually just wrote to report of the 17th world wonder: We (Antoinette, Anke, Karo en ik) successfully managed to hang up a picture in the living room in total team work. this was our task division:
- Karo: CEO of operations - tool: 'Bohrer'
- Claudia: Architectural pinpointing, location management and interiour assistent (task:vacumer-under-drill-holding)
- Antoinette: creative assistant, tool: camera, task: documentation

- Anke: human resources motivation
now why this is so surprising? well... lets just say the picture has been standing there waiting to be hung up for a little while... and I mean, we just didnt dare to, because it is such a valuable uhmm... copy.... of the Guernica... so yes, now we did it: Pablo Picasso is haning in our living room, aren't we sophisticated?
hmmm now besides this I guess nothing too worldshaking happend lately.....
.... I just read today that Airbus/EADS is still struggeling in Germany and France, but do be honest, is anybody really doubting that they will finally finish A380, sell it and the trouble will come to an end then? the grwoing amounts of sacked people will get their jobs back and the sun will be shining!
.... also DaimlerChrisler has to pay $54m in the US because some bloke wasn't able to maneuver his Dodge propperly and let it run over him.... leading to deathly injuries... duhh.... well, how hard can it be to put an automatic transmission into P (maybe he just didnt discover this PARKING funktion yet? - I mean, he was just driving the car for 5 years.....)
hmmm... and here?
NHTV is still the same.... was there a point that I said I missed this chaotic school? Planning is a bad as ever.... but (after only 4 months of planning) they now decided that we will go to Madeira on our fieldtrip - yuhuuuu
went to *tha shit is banging* party in the Speltuin in Breda last week, met up at Isabelle's place before... here is just one really nice pic of our flat crew... more pics will follow!

on monday, three exchange girls from Hong Kong and Isa were over at our place and we introduced them to the art of baking *typically dutch* (as the dutch claim) Pannenkoeken - pancakes... now I guess its something claimed ad their own by every country, but it was a lot of fun and for them it was something totally new! A really fun night!
oh oh oh... and today... tatatadaaaa... world-wonder-day...... *trommelwirbel* .... an die Gewehre..... Anke, Antoinette and I went - dont laugh - jogging! not a joke we really did it... and we after a nice start we went on for at least 16,73 minutes until we decided it was hyper-extreme-ultra-hard, also tiring and cold and so we turned to walk back (for cooling down purposes obviously)... now that was surely enough sports for about a month or so... when this urge will return and make us do it all over again, just because we forgot what dreadful an experience it can be. it is a viscious circle.
And thats life so far. 再见!! *learning-to-write-chinese-now-;)*
groetjes to the world,
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