... so on Saturday we hooked up with all the new people who had moved into our dorm over the last day and night: there was JuanPablo from Chile, Jitin from Indi

We payed 1,5 € admission, including having our bikes "watched" :S and set off the 1251 steps (according to LP again - so nothin's for sure) up the hill... it was quite a climb, but with several stops we arrived, actually I had expected it to be harder. Well, we had arrived at the hole, so we were in the moon kind of. And the view was beautiful!

oh yeah, and I am still amazed! After that stopp, we went on to climb ontop of Moon Hill, and with ONTOP I m

Unfortunatly, we had to go back as long as there was a little light - obviously the rest of Yanghuos population had the same idea and so we hit the bikers rush hour kinda... but was fun.
In the ev

oh yeah.. 6AM... urghhhh.... but we wanted to make our way to Ping'an in the mountains NORTH of Guilin that day... so that meant: bus from YangShuo to Guilin - 2 hours, bus from Guilin to LongShen - 3 hours and bus from LongSheng to Ping'an- another hour. so we arrived at 2 up there after a bumpy but funny ride with great view over the mountainous area with rice fields and smalltown life to watch. The area reminded, don't laugh, seriously a lot of the German Black Forrest... up in Ping'an we walked up *few* more steps as the town has no streets... and checked into 'countryside Cafe & Inn' a totally cute little wooden house, and if it

Next day was already time to leave... but even though we had enjoyed a good evening with a bottle of chinese red wine for Verena and me... we got up early to hike to another peak. The view was just as good as the day before. Up there we got some postcards to send around... and while writing them... guess who we met? oh yeah.. our Chinese shadow from the boat!
We stayed up there for a while and then made our way back to town - by the way did I mention that this town had no more than maybe 20 all wooden houses, no streets, thus no cars, just some donkeys? it was so idyllic... and felt like set back to some centuries ago... anyways, reality caught us when we got on the bus for the bumpy

... entering the train... passing by the compartments (and of course our Chinese haunter) ....
... we arrived the next day - Tuesday - at 1 in Shenzhen... walked from the station to the border... where we met: oh no... not the Chinese guy!! but our friend JuanPablo.. yes its a small world... he had made it there by bus from YangShuo.
To enjoy being back in HongKong kind of Western civilisation we headed for the nearest McDonalds in Kowloon Tong.. and then made it home.
Seriously, this was, besides Beijing and Shanghai and Hangzhou and Anji and Hong Kong the best time in China so far!!