Monday, July 31, 2006

... departure from Breda

today is the 31st of July, a crucial date, cause that means that I will be leaving Breda!! :'( (no more beautiful sunsets from our balcony :(
I've been packing all day yesterday and most stuff is in the basement now (thanks to Antoinette's help with carrying!!)
So today there are just some more boxes... and then the car with all the stuff that goes to Germany. It is already now quit
e scary to see my room so empty. Don't wanna be evil - but it is a very weird thought that someone else will live in my room now!!! (sorry Sascha!!) but well, ... it's gonna be fine... but :'( :'( :'(
I will miss it - and so I am already looking forward to February, when this stupid exchange in stupid Hong Kong is finally over ;) and I can get back into our lovely flat with Antoinetje and Karotje!

oh and now I will stop with the wining and hey: I am finally going to Germany!!! today!!! yeahhhh yippieeeee yuhuuuuuu.... no more work in Breda, no more packing my stuff... finally this is over!! ;)
I am really looking forward to the two weeks in Germany - during which I will be quite busy I guess with

1. going to the "Annakirmes" (large fun fair in Düren (next city from my place))

2. meeting friends to say goodbye again

3. go to the Annakirmes again ;)

4. pack stuff for HK and China

5. relax

6. enjoy my moms food (hope she doesnt cook any rice)

7. sleeeep in

8. chillllll

9. lay in the garden in the sun

10. be totally lazy

11. hmmm what else?

ok.. so this is my to do list for the two weeks in Schlich!
I'll keep you updated and now I should really get back to my boxes...

Saturday, July 29, 2006

oh wat jammer - Ikea, I will miss you!!

I just got home from work, and guess what, today I loved working, everything was great and I realized that I am actually gonna miss all the colleagues over there. It still doesnt seem very realistic to me that I am actually not gonna stand up at 4:30 on Monday to go to work... and I mean, really, who likes sleeping in??? Well, I only had nice customers today also, and my boss said that I am welcome back in February... wahhaaaa... thats 6 months... :'(
I will have to find something against the withdrawel symptoms (for the Germanzzz: komisches Wort für Entzugserscheinung) , maybe there is a Selbsthilfegruppe (self-help-group??) like the "anonymous-ikea-addicts" - AIA ??? if anybody has some information about that: PLEASE HELP ME!!
Oh and you know whats even worse? I had to hand in all my lovely IKEA clothing, my name badge, my keys, my clock-card... e v e r y t h i n g !! No memorables left!!
.... I'll go to bed to cry now... Ikea forever!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

heya everybody...
I completely forgot about my personal leaving countdown... and was just surprised/shocked myself - it is only (oh noooo :'( ) 5 days until I leave Breda and exactly 3 weeks until I go to Beijing... what is nice though, but also a little sad is that i only work 4 more days at this best stores of all... ;)
other than that there is not much to telll... (I know - what a boring life here!) working all day long each day,
just tonight I went to Yusnita's (a collegue and good friend!) of mine to have dinner (again... THANKS so much!!) and it was as always reaaaly wonderful! I'll miss it over there (even though I guess I might still be able to eat rice in Asia, won't I?)
so... thats it again 4 2nite... groetjes...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Me, 4:30AM:
"is it really M O N D A Y already?"
"nooo... keep sleeping... '"
"yes come on... get up..."
"just 5 more minutes"
"ok, ... your fault if your gonna be late"
. . . . . .

Saturday, July 22, 2006

uhh uhhh.... sundayyyyyy

finally- almost sunday - which means: THE day!! The one day of the week where I am off... the one day not to get up at 5AM - so, who cares about our noisy neighbours who like to have parties until 3 AM in the morning EVERY day of the week? ;) its just that- today they obviously take a break.... bet they'll start up again tomorrow... but I already planned my "Rückschlag" hmm... revengeeee... I really like to listen to loud music soooo much at 5AM in the morning... sorry over there hahahaha ;) ;)

other than that there is nothing new, besides that temperatures actually dropped from about boiling temperatures to only simmering ... from 37°C to ONLY 36,5°C!!! yeiiiii... I mean, the prognosed thunderstorm and drop of temperatures stayed away... but well..... we still have the sunday, which I wouldnt of course like to enjoy outside.... hmmm....
letz wait and see...
oh and I think its time to start a countdown here now... it is uhm... 8 days until I leave Breda (until February :D) and 25 days until departure to China.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

.... as the world turns... the equator goes right throug Breda

hey there again...
I was pretty sure that there was nothing all too exciting going to happen, but as it shows I was wrong, so here an update on the latest happenings ;)
1. I have to mention this, it is hot here. It is not only warm, like summary and nice and hey lets go outside weather, it is HOT hot. Today it is expected to be 37°C (98°F!!), but I am absolutely positive that it is at least 50!!
2. I had the best Indonesian dinner ever at Yusnitas place - however I kinda forgot the name of what I ate... just thought it was so good that it was worth mentioning here, so THANKS Nita for having me over!
3. Did I mention that it was hot?
4. Yesterday I met the weirdest customer (or rudest, stupidest, unnormalest... so far!), which of course happened when I am working as a shop assistent there... close your eyes and imagine the fattest guy you have ever seen. then double his fatness. now you will get close to his appearance. He was about 40 - 50 yrs. old and had the urge to come to the IKEA to buy a new pillo
w... which is not a problem right? however, he also had the urge to find out which kinda feathers are in which pillow... and in then (after explaining it for abotu half an hour) had to chose one which is not in stock anymore that day... so I go check when its actually gonna be there... and when I return to him he is, really true, sitting, or maybe half lying, in one of those white baskets which are used to keep the billows so people can pick them out of it... , so well, the guy was sitting in it, obviously thinking it was a funny thing to do. So I came back there ... thinking shit I hope he just jumps out of there... cause what am I gonna tell him with my half-Dutch?? well...somehow I talked him out of there...
...very weird people...
so this was a long story, but I thought it deserved some space! ;)
5. Today Sandra and Sascha (from now on called S&S like M&Ms) our new renters of Karo's and my rooms... are coming (hopefully *navi doesnt seem to be all too reliable huh?* ) to get the paperwork done... in our warm and cozy saunalike living room... I did say that it was warm before,right?
so thats it for today - stay tuned for more exciting news (not everyday at 8 though)
and now: the weather: it is hot and sunny and hot and warm and cloudless and hot,
groetjes en kusjes, Claudia

P.S. didnt say the word mentioned last time even once this time - great improvement
P.P.S. pray with me for rather normal customers tonight...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

- The Grand Opening -

Hey folks... ;)
I guess most of you guys have heard by now that I'll spend the next couple of months in Asia and well, I thought I'd just try to run this blog thingy in order to keep you updated... and so I dont need to repeat stories all over again and again...

so well, this is the first thingy I am writing, and uhhmm - Welcome !! (I know, normaly people would have said that at the beginning of the post... sorry bout that)

Currently I am still in Breda - working my ass of for starvation wages at the ikea... and since I dont wanna bore you with stories about the latest "kast" (what the f*** is that in English? don't know right now... thingy) I put together, I will probably not post very often here until I head of for Beijing on the evening of the 16th of August! - which is - by the way as I just notice, in exactly one month and uhhhm 38 minutes, and this btw wont be right anymore by the time I send this off.... anyways...

I will stay in Breda until the 31st of July, working and packing up my room so that the new people can get in there... then I'll be in Germany for bout 2 weeks...

so I hope this doesnt already bore you enough *yawning* and you'll be back here once in a while!

groetjes en kusjes (greetz and kisses for the non-dutch-speaking-world, grüße und küsschen for all tha germanzzz ;)


P.S.: I figured it out: a kast is a cabinet, closet, cupboard, you name it... haha how stupid
P.P.S. Claudia, write ten times:
Don't say thingy anymore and think of the real word
Don't say thingy anymore and think of the real world
Don't say thingy anymore and ...